A study in Genesis
Cam Stephens
Genesis, Genesis 31:22-25
ORIGINS - Genesis 31:22-55
In this inspiring message, Pastor Cam Stephens delves into a pivotal moment when Jacob decides it's time to leave Laban's house, embracing the change whether Laban is ready or not. Pastor Cam reflects on Genesis 31:22-55 to remind us that our current circumstances are not the end of our story. With a powerful "but God," any situation can find a resolution, as He always has the final say. Join us as we explore the transformative power of faith and God's ultimate authority over our lives.
Cam Stephens
Genesis 1:1, Genesis
ORIGINS: Introduction
The book of Genesis is a historical book that proposes a worldview based on a God who created everything and wants to have a relationship with His creation. In this introduction to the Origins Series, Pastor Cam invites you to engage with and go deep into the fundamentals of the Christian faith so you can intentionally solidify this worldview in your heart.
Cam Stephens
Genesis 1:1, Genesis
ORIGINS: Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God... At the starting point of our journey into the text of the book of Genesis, Pastor Cam reveals how the first four words of the Bible are essential to sustain the core value of faith, the existence of God, who created everything accordingly with his design and purpose. This message will surely help to solidify the Christian foundation within your heart.
Cam Stephens
Genesis 1:1-31, Genesis
ORIGINS: Genesis 1:1-31
Although there are different stands on the theological understanding of the first chapter of the Bible, let's not lose the focus that this passage was given to us so we can see how majestic and powerful our God is. Watch this message from Pastor Cam to have your mind and heart set on worshiping our almighty Creator.
Cam Stephens
Genesis 1:26-31, Genesis
ORIGINS - Genesis 1:26-31
This message will help you gain a deeper understanding of the importance of life as followers of Jesus, learning from the details of the divine creation of humanity in God's likeness, also known as Imago Dei. Pastor Cam imparts invaluable wisdom on how we can actively share Biblical truth, throwing light on the confusion established in our present society.
Cam Stephens
Genesis 2:1-3, Genesis
ORIGINS - Genesis 2:1-3
How can you experience real rest in a culture that is hardwired to look busy? Pastor Cam goes deep on the first three verses in Genesis 2 not to state what to do on our Sabbath but to inspire us to step into God's invitation to rest and enjoy what He created.
Cam Stephens
Genesis 2:4-17, Genesis
ORIGINS - Genesis 2:4-17
Pastor Cam leads us into the second chapter of the book of Genesis, when God reveals himself as the Creator who wants to have a relationship with his creation. Watch to learn more about how the details of this text at the beginning of the Bible set the foundation of a God that we can call our Lord.