In recognition of the distinction between the spiritual and administrative stewardship of the church, the position of Elder was created at Grant to guard our theological integrity and to provide spiritual oversight to the church. An Elder is a man who is recognized as a mature Christ follower and who, upon request, commits to help carry the mantle of guardianship and spiritual stewardship of the church. An Elder can be likened to a lay pastor and is entrusted to speak into the spiritual, theological, and ministry life of our members. The Teaching & Ministry pastors are also elders, and along with appointed Elders, they comprise a group of men who speak to and deal with pastoral and theological concerns and interests in the lives of the church membership. In 2021, a Council of Elders was established as a decision-making body comprised of some or all of the elders. as needed, to provide governance and oversight over spiritual and ministry matters in the church.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is elected by the Members of the Church to govern the Corporation on their behalf. The Board assures that the Corporation achieves the stated ends while avoiding unacceptable means. The Board is responsible to select the Director of Operations who then reports directly to the Board. The character qualifications of Trustees are found in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 and Acts 6:1-6. To be eligible for election to the office, one must be a Member in good standing for at least one year.