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Image by Adrien Olichon




Image by Florian Wehde
Image by Dan Freeman
Mission Trip Updates

Through an invitation from the World Mission Team, CANVAS will be going on a mission trip to Thailand in 2024!

Being led by one of Grant's endorsed missionaries, Jon Stevens (serving with YWAM), we have the incredible opportunity to spend two weeks travelling with someone who has led dozens of trips to Thailand.

Through time spent learning from an experienced missionary, having the opportunity to serve with local Thai ministries, living as a team, and being challenged to follow Jesus and love others in ways that are out of our comfort zones, this trip has the potential to shape your daily walk with Jesus for the rest of your life!  

Important Details

Back to school with a bullet journal_edi


is the application deadline.

Don't miss it!

Take my mind away, take me to the sky_ed


is when this awesome Mission Trip is going to happen.

three men and laughing two women walking


this Mission Trip is specifically design for Young Adults.

henrythong; In_edited.jpg

$ 4,000

with opportunities for fundraising and scholarships available

During the trip, team members will have countless opportunities to share the love of Jesus in many practical ways and in many different settings.

Whether we are in a slum community in a large urban center or a hill tribe village up north in rural Thailand, our team will be involved in a variety of ministry opportunities such as teaching English, doing Kids ministry, working with youth and young adults, caring for the elderly, teaching basic health care, leading bible studies, praying for the sick, leading worship, sharing personal testimonies, doing evangelism, rice distribution, sports ministry, work projects, serving in migrant worker camps, and encouraging the local Thai church.

We want to empower you to use your skills, gifts and abilities to “GO" and make a difference! We are currently exploring some amazing ministry opportunities and locations and are praying that God would lead and guide us to exactly where He wants us to be during our trip! It will be a life-changing adventure!

Jon Stevens - YWAM Thailand

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