Dino and his wife, Shannon, have been married since 1994. They have 4 children aged 14 to 21 – and their oldest has been married since 2021. Dino has been running Mr. Rooter Plumbing of Winnipeg since 2003, and prior to that taught for over eight years, primarily in a Christian school. Dino and Shannon have been attending Grant since 2001, and through that time Dino has been involved in Children’s Ministry, Men’s Ministry, the LCS Board, the LMI Board, the Deacon Board and now the Board of Trustees. Dino loves being a part of great teams, and in most cases, it has been a treat ministering at Grant. Since as far back as he can remember, he’s had a passion for leadership, administration and helping. These gifts are clearly what God has placed in him, and he loves having the opportunity to use them for God's glory whenever possible. God continues to challenge Dino in his faith and trust in Him, and He isn’t done with Dino yet.